postheadericon Emergency care for heat stroke

First aid for heat stroke.In the summer season, in hot weather, cases of overheating of the body are not uncommon.
People spend a lot of time outdoors, because summer is the time for holidays, which means that we eat garden plots, the sea and spend a lot of time under the scorching sun. Of course, everyone and everyone needs to know how to behave when symptoms of heat stroke appear, and what actions need to be taken. Heat stroke is the result of overheating of the body.

The main symptoms of sunstroke are considered to be: pulse disturbances, weakness and the appearance of cold sweat, dizziness and nausea; in severe cases, hallucinations, convulsions, enuresis, insomnia are possible.

Prior to the arrival of a specialist and receiving qualified assistance, the following measures must be taken:
- When a gag reflex appears, it is necessary to free the airway, for the free exit of vomit (if the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to turn him on his side so that he does not choke);
- Be sure to eliminate the sun's influence (arrange a shadow or go instead, where the sun's rays do not fall);
- Consume a large amount of water, you can add a little sugar and a little bit of salt to ordinary water. If the condition allows, you can drink mineral water or hard brewed sugar.
- Get rid of clothes as much as possible, a naked body, parts of the body could freely pass air (in particular, it is necessary to free the neck area);
- It is necessary to wipe the body with a wet towel, you can make a wet compress or spray it with water, you can take a cool shower;First aid for heat stroke.
If the condition is especially severe and the victim loses consciousness, ammonia or ammonia solution can be used.
In case of cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, it is necessary to navigate, make artificial respiration and heart massage.

First aid for heat stroke.To prevent overheating of the body, you need to follow some rules.
1. During the daytime, the most active sun, so you need to avoid physical work in direct sunlight.
2. It is necessary to protect your head from the sun and do not forget to wear a light hat.
3. On hot days, you need to consume a large amount of water (mineral, carbonated, etc.)
4. Avoid being in the sun during its active period (from lunch to evening).
5. Be sure to ventilate the premises (apartment, house, office or room where you spend a lot of time during the period of sun activity) for a constant air flow.
6. In hot summer weather, you need to dress comfortably, avoid tight and synthetic things, it is better to wear light and natural clothes.
7. Refrain from drinking alcohol and overeating.

For clarity, watch this video.

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