postheadericon Diet number 10

diet number 10

Diet number 10 is indicated for diseases:

1. Cardiovascular system:

  • rheumatic heart defects in the stage of compensation or with circulatory failure of the 1st degree;
  • hypertension I and II stages;

2. diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by irritability, a tendency to excitability;

3. kidney diseases:

  • chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis with changes in indicators in the urine sediment;
  • acute and chronic pyelitis.

Purpose of Table No. 10 :

  • creating favorable conditions for improving blood circulation;
  • exclusion of substances that excite the nervous system from entering the body;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improving the excretion of nitrogenous substances from the body;
  • exclusion of products that irritate the urinary tract.

Diet number 10 is characterized by the restriction of salt to 5-6 grams per day, the exclusion of extractive nitrogenous substances and spices from the diet.

The composition of diet number 10:

  • proteins - 80 grams (of which 50 grams are animal proteins);
  • fats - 65-70 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 350-400 grams.

Total calorie content - 2500-2800 kcal.

Foods excluded from the diet with diet number 10

  • Fresh bread, rich bakery products, puff pastry products.
  • Broths - meat, fish, mushroom. Soups with legumes.
  • Fatty meats, fish, duck, goose, offal, sausages, canned meat.
  • Salted, smoked, canned fish, caviar.
  • Fatty and salty cheeses.
  • Eggs fried and hard boiled.
  • Sauces on broths (meat, mushroom, fish), salty and spicy snacks, smoked products, cooking and meat fats.
  • Legumes in all forms, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms in any form, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, sorrel.
  • Fruits containing coarse fiber.
  • Cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

Products recommended for diet number 10

  • Wheat bread made from flour of the first or second grade, dried or baked yesterday, salt-free dietary bread, cookies and biscuits from unbuffed dough.
  • Vegetarian soups with vegetables, cereals, cold beetroot. It is allowed to add greens and sour cream. Milk and fruit soups.
  • Lean beef, veal, meat pork, turkey, chicken, rabbit meat. Dishes of minced meat or boiled pieces. Jellied dishes from boiled meat. In limited quantities - dietary and doctoral sausage.
  • Butter - unsalted, ghee.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish in boiled or stewed form, fish steam cutlets, boiled seafood dishes.
  • Milk and dairy products, cottage cheese and dishes from it, low-fat and unsalted cheeses. Sour cream and cream - limited.
  • Omelettes: steam, baked, protein. Up to 1 soft-boiled egg per day.
  • Cereals, casseroles, puddings from various cereals, boiled pasta.
  • Vegetables are mostly baked or boiled, infrequently possible - raw. Limit white cabbage and green peas. Greens - chopped, added to dishes.
  • Fresh ripe fruits with coarse fiber, dried fruits, compotes, jelly, mousses, jelly, jam, honey candy without chocolate.
  • Weak black tea, coffee drinks with the addition of milk, fruit, vegetable, berry juices (grape - limited).

Diet number 10 provides for a diet with meals 5-6 times a day. Portions are average. Dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the amount of fluid consumed per day is limited to 1-1.2 liters.


  • Svetlana:

    I am hypertensive. The need to follow a diet was convinced by my own experience. Fractional food intake in small portions has a beneficial effect. It seems to me that the last meal at 18.00 also plays a big role. I'll be sure to update my menu again with your information. Thank you.

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