postheadericon Diet number 3


Diet number 3 is prescribed for intestinal diseases without exacerbations and in the stage of unexpressed and fading exacerbation. The main reason for the appointment of the third table is constipation.


The purpose of table number 3 is to increase intestinal motility and regulate its emptying with the aim of strengthening the associated slow metabolic processes. In the diet, increase the amount of foods rich in vegetable fiber, prescribe a plentiful drink of mineral water.

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postheadericon Diet number 2


Diet number 2 is indicated for chronic gastritis with reduced secretion, chronic enterocolitis in remission, dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus, in the postoperative period, after an acute period of an infectious disease.


The purpose of diet number 2 is a moderately sparing diet aimed at normalizing the secretory and motor function of the stomach and intestines. Read more "

postheadericon Diet number 1


Diet number 1 is prescribed during the period of remission of peptic ulcer for 2-3 months, as well as during exacerbation of gastritis with increased secretory function and when the exacerbation of peptic ulcer subsides and during the formation of the ulcer scar.


The goal of following diet number 1 is to be gentle on the stomach and duodenum by limiting mechanical and eliminating chemical irritants.

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postheadericon Diet 0


Zero diet, table number 0 or diet 0 is intended for feeding patients in the postoperative period with interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Another indication for a zero diet is a state of consciousness that accompanies reduced reactivity. This is possible with cerebrovascular accidents, craniocerebral injuries, feverish conditions. Read more "

postheadericon Therapeutic diets: tables

For various diseases, preparation for research, as well as in postoperative conditions, therapeutic diets are prescribed: tables with numbers assigned to them. Consider what diets are, as well as indications for them.

Diet (table) No. 0

It is prescribed in the first days after operations on the stomach and intestines, as well as in a semi-conscious state. Read more "

postheadericon Algorithm for setting a cleansing enema

An enema is a procedure in which fluid is introduced into the lower segment of the large intestine for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. A cleansing enema is prescribed to liquefy and remove the contents of the lower sections of the large intestine, cleaning it from feces and gases.


Before considering the algorithm for setting a cleansing enema , let us remind ourselves of the indications for its use: Read more "

postheadericon Help for anaphylactic shock


Immediate assistance for anaphylactic shock is a must for a nurse. The life of the patient depends on the correctness of actions, this must be remembered. therefore, it is so important to know the sequence of actions and clearly follow them in case of anaphylactic shock.


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postheadericon Virginia Henderson


Best known to nurses for the complementary model , Virginia Henderson has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of nursing.


Born in 1897, on November 30, the fifth of eight children of the respectable Henderson family, she was named Virginia. In honor of her mother's homeland - the state of Virginia, and, as it became obvious later, as the personification of a symbol of innocence and endless love for one's neighbor.

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postheadericon Temperature measurement rules


There are certain rules for measuring human body temperature. To begin with, remember that the normal temperature is from 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. Daily physiological fluctuations are no more than one degree (for example, in the morning the temperature is 36.0, in the evening - 37.0).


Thermometry - measurement of body temperature - in medical institutions is carried out 2 times a day. According to the doctor's testimony, in severe and febrile patients - more often. Read more "

postheadericon Use of gloves

For a nurse, the use of gloves is a must. Carrying out manipulations, patient care is carried out only in gloves according to existing standards.


It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to use the same gloves for manipulation or care of two or more patients. Even if gloved hands are washed and disinfected. Treatment of gloves with alcohol-containing solutions is also unacceptable due to the destruction of the protective layer.


After carrying out manipulations for the care of one patient, gloves should be removed and immersed in a disinfectant solution for disinfection. With the subsequent disposal of disposable products. Read more "

postheadericon Hand sanitizing nurse

Any treatment of the hands of a nurse involves preparation and direct decontamination (removal of contaminants). The hands of a nurse must be well-groomed, without inflammation, burrs and microcracks.

Nails should be neatly trimmed and unvarnished. The skin edge of the nail bed should not be cut due to the risk of microtrauma and inflammation. Artificial nails on the hands of a nurse are unacceptable. Before the nurse's hands are processed for manipulation, wristwatches and jewelry must be removed.

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postheadericon Carrying out dressings

Consider how dressings are carried out according to approved standards.

The first stage is preparatory

  • The dressing room is being prepared for work: wet cleaning and bactericidal irradiation are carried out. Read more "

postheadericon Pharma order


Pharmaceutical order, or pharmaceutical order in medical facilities is provided by the deputy chief physician for drug supply. Responsibility for compliance with the pharmaceutical order in the unit falls on the shoulders of the head. However, the chief nurse ensures that the drug supply process is followed.

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postheadericon Medical and protective regime in the department


The fastest recovery of the patient is intended to be facilitated by the therapeutic and protective regimen in the department of health care facilities - a set of measures:

  • medical;
  • preventive;
  • psychological;
  • sanitary and anti-epidemic;
  • ethical and deontological.

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postheadericon How to give subcutaneous injections


Every nurse must know how to give subcutaneous injections and be able to perform this manipulation correctly.

After changing into a treatment room uniform, the nurse washes her hands with antibacterial soap and disinfects them with an antiseptic. Puts on sterile gloves and prepares equipment for subcutaneous injection. Read more "

postheadericon Algorithm for taking blood from a vein


Consider the algorithm for taking blood from a vein for biochemical and serological studies.

On the eve of the study, the nurse warns the patient not to have breakfast, but to have dinner not late and not heavy. It should be explained that blood is taken on an empty stomach for analysis, because in this way the most reliable result is obtained.

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postheadericon Performing an intradermal injection


The intradermal injection prescribed by the doctor is most often a drug or allergic test. However, sometimes medicinal substances are also administered intradermally.


Before the manipulation, the nurse prepares for work in the treatment or vaccination room, as before performing intramuscular or intravenous injections. In addition to the uniform, gloves and a mask are required.

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postheadericon Interdependent Nursing Interventions


The implementation of the patient care plan includes interdependent nursing interventions (in addition to dependent and independent ).


At the same time, the nurse equally cooperates with the doctor, exercise therapy instructor, psychologist, and social work specialist. Read more "

postheadericon Independent Nursing Interventions


So, the fourth stage of the nursing process includes independent nursing interventions in addition to dependent ones . Such interventions are within the competence of the nurse. They are carried out without a special prescription from the attending physician and other specialists.

Independent nursing interventions. Nurse actions

1. Patient care: Read more »

postheadericon Dependent Nursing Interventions


Dependent nursing interventions are performed by a nurse solely on the prescription of a doctor, recorded in the patient's medical history. Appointments can be both therapeutic and diagnostic.


The role of the nurse is to correctly follow the doctor's instructions in compliance with the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, medical ethics and deontology. All nursing interventions are performed at step 4 of the nursing process .

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postheadericon Transport immobilization for shoulder fracture

Transport immobilization for a shoulder fracture is performed using:

  • standard stair rail;
  • plastic tire;
  • improvised means.

Immobilization is performed by capturing 3 joints: shoulder, elbow and wrist. The tire should not be applied to the naked body. If the victim has no clothes, the limb is wrapped with a cloth. Read more "

postheadericon Functional duties of the head nurse of the department


Consider the main functional responsibilities of the head nurse of the department (hospital) of the medical institution.

I. Work with personnel

1. Selection and qualified placement of personnel.

2. Work on staff development:

  • ensuring that nurses attend conferences with the head nurse;
  • conducting classes within the department according to the plan;
  • unscheduled knowledge checks of medical staff in the evenings and weekends;
  • work on mastering the personnel of related specialties;
  • training of personnel for attestation and certification. Read more "

postheadericon Chief Nurse Documentation


All documentation of the head nurse of a medical institution is divided into several sections:

1. List of Federal Laws of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of medical institutions.


2. Regulatory documents on:

  • attestation and certification of paramedical personnel;
  • drug supply;
  • work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • work with ethyl alcohol, poisonous and potent drugs;
  • the rules for accounting, storage, discharge from the hospital pharmacy of the above funds. Read more "

postheadericon Topics of sister conferences

Nurses throughout their careers are required to constantly improve their skills. All nursing conference topics are based on the learning process, which includes:

  • obtaining information about the latest developments in medicine;
  • acquaintance with the orders of the Ministries and departments that are being published, which are guided by medical workers of health facilities;
  • mastering new methods of work;
  • repetition and elaboration of already existing knowledge that serves as the basis for the work of a nurse. Read more "

postheadericon Sister Conference Plan


The chief nurse leads the process of advanced training of nursing and junior staff. , monthly lectures for nurses are held in the medical institution The head nurse draws up a plan of nursing conferences for the year, coordinating it with the lecturers of each lesson. Read more "

postheadericon Oath of Florence Nightingale

Medical deontology, in the modern interpretation - medical bioethics, has its own history. Engaging in medicine involves immersion in the profession both in the field of knowledge and skills, and in moral and ethical principles.

One example of selfless service to people is Florence Nightingale's oath for nurses. Read more "

postheadericon Certification of nurses

Certification of nurses is mandatory for obtaining a qualification category. The qualification level of a nurse is defined as qualification categories:

  • second;
  • first;
  • highest _.

Certification of nurses for obtaining the second qualification category is possible with work experience in the specialty for a period of 3 years, the first - at least 5 years, the highest - at least 7 years. Read more "

postheadericon Happy Medical Worker's Day! Postcards

For congratulations , we choose the most positive postcards Incredible responsibility, sleepless nights, catastrophic nervous tension are compensated by sincere warm words and uplifting images.

You can choose parting words on the day of the medical worker for the postcard You can get by with a short message, and sometimes humorous poetic lines are appropriate. The main thing is that the congratulations of colleagues or acquaintances of doctors carry a charge of kindness and cordiality. 🙂

And on this page you can click on the picture to open it in a new window in its true size. 🙂

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postheadericon Head Nurse Psychiatry (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry Part 8)


The work continued - everyone did his own, until Kuskov decided to leave his post and take the place of an ordinary intern. Natalya Sergeevna was still bothered by the fact that she was a senior psychiatric nurse , and that every day she had to see people who would not be remembered for a century. Read more "

postheadericon Chief Nurse's Day (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry, Part 7)


Then Kuskov decided to change tactics. The head nurse's daily day began like groundhog day. Small flaws, quite understandable when working in a wild nervous tension, Anton Valerievich regarded as "oddities in behavior, bordering on inadequacy" of Natalya Sergeevna. Read more "

postheadericon Report of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 6)


As you know, you can "get to the bottom" of anyone. It began with nit-picking, reprimands for minor shortcomings. And then there was another meeting (annual). From under the silence, a stunning tub of mud was prepared for Natalya. Allegedly required senior nurse report about the distribution of wages. Read more "

postheadericon Position of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 5)


I must say, to the great regret of the vast majority of employees, Orlov was transferred to another hospital. Natalya Sergeevna took senior nurse position without much enthusiasm. True, instead of the one that left this very post, not understanding the management style of the new head and slamming the door. Natalia did her job conscientiously, trying to justify the trust. And I didn’t think that she was not at all at court here, that she had a decent number of enemies and envious people, and that they took her to this position in order to “plug a hole”.

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postheadericon Nurse with higher education (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 4)


Natalia decided to bring something completely new into her everyday life. And this new one did not turn out to be some kind of stupid affair, where the “good” friends were persistently pushing. It was the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education at the Medical Academy. Correspondence. “At the end of the university there will be our graduate nurse and broad prospects,” colleagues joked.

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postheadericon The first category of a nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 3)


After 30, metamorphoses often occur with women. When everything is set up, the kids grow up and life, which used to be so interesting, and there is already the first category of a nurse , suddenly turns out to be a gray routine. Everything is the same everywhere! Always the same! I want to change something, bring a gust of fresh wind into everyday life! It would be nice to have another baby. But by that time, Natalia had no one to give birth to. Read more "

postheadericon Why I Became a Nurse (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry, Part 2)


Natalia remembered again and again - " Why did I become a nurse ?" Here's why.


In the already distant Soviet times, a girl lived in a small but significant northern city for the country. Positive in all respects. Excellence and activist. She dreamed of a career as a translator, adored foreign languages. Having fallen in love with English and in absentia with the whole of Great Britain, she was happy to do her homework in a foreign language for herself and for others. Avidly read Carroll, Dickens, Jerome, Scott.


And then fate somehow turned out that I had to part with the dream. Left MSU. Read more "

postheadericon Medical Worker's Day 2012

We celebrate Medical Worker Day 2012 on June 17th .

The professional holiday of all physicians is held annually on the third Sunday of the first summer month.

In December 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Medical Worker's Day as an annual professional holiday. Read more "

postheadericon The work of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 1)


The job of a senior nurse associated not only with colossal responsibility - moral and material, but also with the black envy of many colleagues. Sometimes it happens that people themselves do not know what they envy. But envy can be overcome - this is the fate of any leader. Sometimes it's much tougher.


For example, in psychiatry, where over the years all employees form a rather specific view of people. You may be declared insane. Read more "

postheadericon Technique for measuring blood pressure

Consider what is the technique for measuring blood pressure with a conventional mechanical tonometer.

  • Manipulation is carried out in the position of the patient lying or sitting.
  • We release the patient's hand from clothing.
  • We place the patient's hand in a relaxed state with the palm up approximately at the level of the heart.
  • The tonometer is placed at the same level with the patient's hand.
  • We put a cuff on the patient’s shoulder so that one finger can be placed under it. Rubber tubes should be located below, at the level of the center of the elbow.
  • The phonendoscope is placed in the center of the cubital fossa. Read more "

postheadericon Putting ointment in the nose

Laying the ointment in the nose is a frequently prescribed procedure in otorhinological practice.

For a nurse, putting an ointment in the nose should not be difficult. However, as with any introduction of medicinal substances into the patient's body, one should remember the responsibility for the life and health of the patient. Read more "

postheadericon Putting ointment in the ear


Laying ointment in the ear is often used for acute and chronic inflammatory processes. For a nurse, especially those working in otorhinolaryngology, this procedure should be familiar and performed in accordance with all requirements.


Laying the ointment in the ear is carried out with the patient lying on his side. Read more "

postheadericon Applying ointment to the eyes

Laying the ointment in the eyes is used for the purpose of local action of the drug on the conjunctiva. It is produced according to the prescription of the attending physician for inflammatory eye diseases. A qualified nurse is required to have this skill.

For such a procedure as laying ointment in the eyes from a tube or using an eye spatula, the following equipment is required: Read more »

postheadericon Complications after intramuscular injections


The nurse should clearly understand what complications can be after intramuscular injections and how to avoid them. In the event of complications, the nurse must know the algorithm of medical care for the patient.

So, complications after intramuscular injections can be as follows. Read more "

postheadericon How to count the pulse


One of the important skills of a nurse is the study of the pulse. Consider how to calculate the pulse correctly and without complications.


Most often, the pulse is examined on the superficially located radial artery. The pulse is determined by II, III and partially IV, V fingers.

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postheadericon Nursing Certification


In recent years, certification of nurses with theoretical, practical and examination sections has been mandatory.


A specialist certificate is a state document of a single sample. The holder of the certificate indicates sufficient knowledge and skills for practical activities in the field of healthcare. Read more "

postheadericon Responsibilities of the Chief Nurse

The duties of the chief nurse of the health facility include several sections.


1. Work with personnel:

  • Resolving employment issues based on the results of the interview of candidates;
  • methodological and organizational measures with senior nurses of health care units;
  • participation in the work of the council of nurses of a medical institution;
  • organization of training of middle and junior medical personnel. Read more "
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